Tur de Arhitectură
Art Encounters: Timișoara as a Landmark; The Invisible City Tour
Project team: Sandra Andrei, Roxana Pătrulescu, Oana Preda, Dan Alexandru Bunea
Guides: Cristian Blidariu; Loredana Gaiţă and Roxana Pătrulescu
Established in 2016, Tur de Arhitectură is a unique local initiative which places the knowledge and experience of architecture, built, and lived environment of Timișoara, at its core. A team of architects, passionate about the history of Timișoara, conduct well-researched tours in the city spanning across various themes such as historical neighborhoods, educational buildings, and old ways of habitation. Beginning in December 2018, the collaboration with Tur de Arhitectură marked an important part of the first research visits by artists at the Biennial and informed several projects. As a continuation of this ongoing dialogue throughout the Biennial, Tur de Arhitectură crafted two special tours. Art Encounters: Timișoara as a Landmark will explore the relationship between public space, local history, and artistic interventions through the works of several Biennial artists. The tour will link the Maria Theresia Bastion to Huniade Castle, as well other locations which host works by Biennial artists, such as Prince Eugeniu of Savoya House, the North Train Station, the West University and the Southern Park from the Soarelui neighbourhood. The Invisible City Tour is focused on Timișoara’s cultural infrastructure. Those attending the tour will become familiar with conventional and informal spaces, visible or less known where encounters with art take place or took place. AR
The Architecture Tour cultural project organized by the Timiș Branch of the Romanian Order of Architects was launched in 2016, coming out of the collaboration between a team of architects who were fascinated by the development and history of Timisoara, and are eager to convey the results of their research in order to raise awareness and hold the public sphere accountable. The Architecture Tour offers architectural guided tours for the general public. Each cultural route takes shape around a specific theme for Timișoara—its neighbourhoods’ identities, edification and dwelling, the direct relationship between architectural design and the perception of the built environment, inhabitants’ stories and that of the built heritage, etc.—with the final purpose of creating a better knowledge and understanding of the local built environment in order to promote both material and immaterial local heritage, stimulating the citizens towards an active and conscious attitude when using and shaping Timișoara’s urban landscape.

Tur de Arhitectură, Guided Tour, 2019, courtesy of the artists, photo credit: Sandra Andrei
Dan Acostioaiei
Halil Altındere
Forensic Architecture
Anca Benera & Arnold Estefan
Michael Beutler
Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz
Irina Botea Bucan & Jon Dean
Filipa César & Louis Henderson
Kray Chen
Collection Collective
Céline Condorelli
Alexandra Croitoru
Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency
Chto Delat
Aslan Gaisumov
Dora García
Ane Graff
Alma Heikkilä
Ane Hjort Guttu
Gülsün Karamustafa
Behzad Khosravi Noori
Gunilla Klingberg
Vilmos Koter
Zac Langdon-Pole
Matts Leiderstam
Anne Low
Virginia Lupu
Taus Makhacheva
Liliana Mercioiu Popa
Ana Maria Millán
Malgorzata Mirga-Tas
Naeem Mohaiemen
Tanja Muravskaja
Ciprian Mureșan
Joar Nango
Thao Nguyen Phan
Ho Tzu Nyen
Pınar Öğrenci
Ahmet Ögüt
The Otolith Group
Trevor Paglen
Philippe Parreno
Gary-Ross Pastrana
Peles Empire
Lia Perjovschi
Agnieszka Polska
Ghenadie Popescu
Walid Raad
Vandy Rattana
Bella Rune
Zhou Tao
Iulia Toma
Tur de Arhitectură
Mona Vătămanu & Florin Tudor
Anton Vidokle
Haegue Yang
Mădălina Zaharia
Želimir Žilnik