CUTRA Magazine
The CUTRA collective was formed in April 2018 in Bucharest, and from the beginning they sought to create an editorial platform which would approach diverse topics from a feminist-queer-intersectional point of view. Since its founding, it completed its first print edition of the CUTRA magazine, launched on 1 December 2018, and is currently rolling out the project, an online editorial platform, active since 18 May 2019. The CUTRA collective has four members: Alice Venir, Cristian Nanculescu, Lavinia Ionescu and Nicoleta Moise, whose various professional backgrounds are linked to the common interest in examining and creating an inclusive socio-cultural and editorial climate. The CUTRA collective is queer and antifascist. It’s researched, intuitive and sensitive. It’s pop and it’s radical, it’s imperfect and restless.

Mediation program partner:
Contrasens Cultural Association
Strategic partner:
The ”Mihai Eminescu” National Theater
Independent publishers:
Institutul prezentului / (IP)
Galeria Posibilă
The most beautiful books of Romania
La Două Bufniţe Bookshop
Interart TRIADE Foundation
Stevan Vukovic & Tijana Savatic
Artist Books
Nicoleta Moise
Tatiana Fiodorova
Collective readings guests:
Radu Pavel Gheo
CUTRA Magazine
Adriana Gheorghe
Leah Whitman-Salkin
Ana Bilbao
Delia Grigore
Timea Junghaus
Autumn School of Curating, course leader:
Joanna Warsza
Andrea Phillips
Boris Buden
Daria Ghiu
Marius Cornea
Florica Zaharia