Galeria Posibilă
Preoccupied with studying and understanding landscape, Galeria Posibilă presents artists whose works enable discussion of contemporary art and related fields. In the curatorial program these discussions are generated by the interest of artists for subjects such as identity, transformation and memory.
Galeria Posibilă is also interested in artists’ publications as well as in promoting the artists’ works through catalogues. We seek to contribute in developing the art publication sector in Romania in a good and natural way, which makes us careful and responsible for each publication we work at. Hence, we choose a subject we cover in almost all our exhibitions and publications: nature and landscape in photography. In 2011, Biblioteca de galerie was developed, as resource space for students and artists specialised in the field of landscape theory and practices related to nature.
Galeria Posibilă was founded by Matei Câlţia in 2003, being one of the first private galleries in Bucharest. It developed as a space where photography is supported, produced, exhibited and promoted.

Mediation program partner:
Contrasens Cultural Association
Strategic partner:
The ”Mihai Eminescu” National Theater
Independent publishers:
Institutul prezentului / (IP)
Galeria Posibilă
The most beautiful books of Romania
La Două Bufniţe Bookshop
Interart TRIADE Foundation
Stevan Vukovic & Tijana Savatic
Artist Books
Nicoleta Moise
Tatiana Fiodorova
Collective readings guests:
Radu Pavel Gheo
CUTRA Magazine
Adriana Gheorghe
Leah Whitman-Salkin
Ana Bilbao
Delia Grigore
Timea Junghaus
Autumn School of Curating, course leader:
Joanna Warsza
Andrea Phillips
Boris Buden
Daria Ghiu
Marius Cornea
Florica Zaharia